Rivne: workers DSNS conduct explanatory work among the residents of the region to respect the rules of behavior on reservoirs region
During the initial days of the city district Dubno sector PG DSNS Ukraine in Rivne conducted raids on the ponds in the village Bushcha. During the raid rescuers noticed tourists, especiallychildren sunbathing on the shore of the reservoir, the observance of safety rules during recreation. However, employees of the State Service of National Assembly handed flyers to citizens with basic safety rules while near water. Employees of city district Dubno sector PG DSNS Ukraine in Rivne urge all residents and gDistrict spines observe basic rules of behavior on the water, swim only in allowed areas, because many cases of deaths waters arises from the absolute disregard of elementary rules of conduct. Appreciate his life, save the lives of their children, do not leave them unattended, do not neglect reservations. From derogatory puting to their own safety on the water can happen irreparable disaster! PG DSNS in Rivne regionSource: http://artlife.rv.ua/