In Vinnitsa region discussed the protection of African swine fever (+ photos)
10 August, at the premises of Regional State Administration under the leadership of the Deputy Head Andriy Gyzhko emergency meeting of the State Commission Antiepizootic at the Vinnytsia Regional State Administration. Participating in the meeting were heads of complianceidnyh RSA structural subdivisions, as well as organizations and institutions involved. Opening session of the commission Gyzhko Andrew said: "Vinnytsia region has more than 120 thousand. Pigs. Speaking of svynopoholiv'ya, it is usually concentrated in large farms. Thus, in 169 large agricultural enterprises where nalichuyetbe from about 500 to 1,500 pigs each. The feature of African swine fever is that it is absolutely not harmful to man. However, a significant impact on economic performance of the region. Indeed, in the case of the disease in a particular area destroyed all pigs. Unfortunately, these unfortunate incidents have occurred in the five regions of Ukraine. Therefore, we must do everything possible to prevent the spread of the disease in the region. " According to First Deputy Head, APS was two years ago on the part of the Russian Federation and tends to spread farther west. Therefore, certain limitations and quite unpopular measures (in youSee restrictions pig in households that are based on hunting), which will be held in the Vinnytsia region will enable containment and prevent the spread of this plague. During the meeting the head of the veterinary medicine in Vinnytsia oblast informed when Gregory Sidorukrelativity of being on strengthening prevention of African swine fever, held in Vinnytsia region. According to him, episodic situation regarding ASF in neighboring countries and in Ukraine remains tense and tends to escalate. One of the main causes of spread of ASF in Ukraine is a widespread pathogen of the disease in wild FAUor (15 cases from the 26). "Given the above, I must say that is a very real threat of disease in the region. However, the State Veterinary Service conducted field work on enhanced prevention ACHS, "- said Gregory Sidoruk. He noted that in the period from 09.12.2014r. on 29.01.2015r. alldistricts the Department of Veterinary Medicine, with the participation of specialists of the State Veterinary Service and representatives of users of hunting grounds, managers and zoovetspetsialistiv svynohospodarstv areas, seminar-training to respond in case of suspicion of disease on African swine fever. Besides, etcitsiatyvoyu Main Department held an emergency meeting of the State Commission Antiepizootic the regional state administration made to strengthen prevention of African swine fever in the region and held meetings with representatives of the users of hunting grounds to intensify work to identify and immediatelyth to the State Service of Veterinary Medicine of deaths of wild boars. As Gregory Sidoruk, the Department monitored weekly vaccination against classical swine fever in farms of all forms of ownership. Since the beginning of the year, as of 30.07.2015r. vaccinated 212.354 ths. heads. Out of managers and specialists agroformationsfield continuously conducted awareness about compliance "closed" regime pig. Having heard and discussed information Chief of Veterinary Medicine in Vinnytsia region, state emergency anti-epizootic Commission of the State Administration decided: to provide, in the event of disease on afryCannes swine fever, the implementation of depopulation of wild boars in disadvantaged for African swine fever in the districts and regions including the dangerous zone the territories of nature reserve fund; prohibit keep pigs in private farms citizens working in forest-hunting organizations and direct contact with wild faunoyu and hunters engaged in hunting wild boar; closure of licenses for hunting wild boars carried out only after the installation of platforms for the development of captured animals and mandatory veterinary-sanitary examination of carcasses and selection of biological material for monitoring research on African swine fever; guaranteeinichi laboratory monitoring of African swine fever in wild fauna, especially shooting and provide research on weak and suspicious disease of wild boars. During the meeting Andrew Gyzhko stressed that the people of the region and, in particular, animal owners must clearly understand the importance of these activities:"Everyone should understand that the situation on this issue Vinnichchine controlled, but we must guard against the spread of African swine fever. So our task - to promote biosecurity measures all private households of citizens and businesses involved in the maintenance and circulation of pigs, as well as compliance with other aforementioned Zakhoing security. " This was reported in the Vinnytsia Regional State AdministrationSource: