Chernigov region, daily on the reservoirs

people drowning on August 9th at 15:42 in the lake, "Sorokin," near the village. Tumanskiy Kozeletskyi Huta district, rescuers found and dragged ashore body of 35-year-old local resident. As it turned out, the woman on Aug. 8 with a company resting on the shore of a pond. After prolonged exposure to the sun, she went to batheysya, but none of his friends not reported. Last noticed its absence only after a while and started searching, but nothing is given. Then people called to the scene, rescue workers, police and ambulance. The circumstances of the tragedy sets the investigation. Note that in the Chernihiv region only last week six people drowned since the beginning of the year&Ndash; 41. The main reason for the tragedy is a violation of public safety precautions when swimming or fishing. In connection ’ connection with this, the rescuers are calling citizens to be cautious while near water. Memory ’ Note that dramatically dangerous to enter the water after prolonged sun exposure. For swimming choose specially equipped mistsya where solid bottom, gentle slope and there is rapid flow or whirlpool. Do not swim far from the shore and not go into the water drunk. UDSNS in Chernihiv region
