Zhytomyr, because of the heat and the neglect of fire safety in the weekend occurred 55 fires registered 1 emergency! In

BC ’ communication with the hot weather in the area is kept top Class 5 fire hazard! Over the weekend occurred 55 fires, rescuers made 23 trips to quench dry grass. Joined 1Nadzvychayna situation. Also this summer, there were four fires in places of harvest. The latest fire in August 9 Andrushevsky region has been qualified as an emergency about ’ yektovoho level, which resulted in burned 80 hectares of wheat – half of the field. For the next three days is expected that the temperature will reach 35 degrees. ThenRescuers are calling strictly observe fire safety rules! It is strictly forbidden to make a fire and burn stubble remains, even in the private house. You should also city ’ favorites of the dangers of smoking and do not use open flame near the grain and forest. In the field of harvest should alternateand adapted for the purposes of fire-fighting equipment. Items must be obkosheni and oborani to prevent overturning them from their fires of dry grass or ejected cigarette butts. Every employee should know the agricultural enterprise of action in case of fire and be able to use the primary means of fire. From pylnosthose of each of us depends on security across the region! Office DSNS in Zhytomyr region

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/