The striking phenomenon: That night Aldebaran seem from the moon

the night of Saturday to Sunday, August 9, you will see a phenomenon that was observed last 17 years: Aldebaran jump out from behind the moon. It's actually amazing phenomenon that will last a few seconds and that will be very easy to see. This writes Carol Vuychitskyy in Gazeta Wyborcza. Rob Monthone's revolution around our planet at 29.5 days and every evening darkens certain stars. An hour theory of eclipses can be seen even several. In practice, however, the star, which lies very poorly marked and often disappears in the bright glow of the moon. At night, the eve of the full moon, it moves across the sky « left » and closes completelyS stars. After the full moon and stars is changing from ’ are on the right side of the moon. This usually only faint stars and observe such phenomena should be only through a telescope, or at least binoculars. The situation is otherwise only with four stars. It Aldebaran in the constellation ’ th Taurus, Antares in Scorpio, Spica in Virgo and Regulus in savision ’ th Lion. This four bright stars that once called themselves king. Their name comes from the fact that they are bright, so they are visible from the moon to the naked eye. This happens every month and not all stars. Moon moves in a certain part of the sky near the line, called the Celestial Equator (its trajectory is tilted 5 degrees). Volumein his path among the stars may resemble waves. That is why the closing stages of the stars is certain, if Aldebaran this happens every few years. This phase began in late February this year and during that time you could see the stars close fragmented. in the night from Saturday to Sunday comes another blackout. A fewand minutes after blackout approx. The moon rises 0:30 and approx. Opens at 1:10 Aldebaran dark limb of the moon. The moon will be in the form of a thin crescent – its dark side, therefore, be seen with the naked eye in the form of so-called gray light. On the dark side of the moon fall sun light reflected from Earth. In the resultsAta this is not the star « jump out with nothing & raquo ;, but seem from barely visible side of the moon. Aldebaran – a star that is visible to the naked eye. The phenomenon will be only a few degrees above the eastern horizon. So just in case you can bring along binoculars. If you do not, you have to cope without it.If the sky is cloudy, you can see this phenomenon « to live » to: Translated from Polish Oksana Vergeles for IA ZIK. Told
