The works of the brightest representatives Executed Renaissance now in the collection of

one out in the world collection of poetry and prose Executed Renaissance period. The book contains poetry of Paul Ticino, Mikhail Semenko, Zerov Nikolay, Yevgeny Pluzhnyk and Maxim Rila and prose Khvylovy, Gregory scarf, Yuri Yanovsky and FinalPA Cherries - the brightest representatives of this period. As the « & raquo ;, Bukvoid book was published in publishing « Base & raquo ;. Executed Renaissance Day – a special page in the history of Ukrainian literature. This short period – 1920 – beginning 1930 – put it in a such a number of talentedyttsiv, daring and innovative experiments uncompromising masterpieces, which would be enough for a whole century. Feeling the spirit of freedom after the fall of the Russian Empire, Ukrainian intelligentsia was finally able to express themselves and did it with all the energy that accumulated over the years. However bloom Ukrainian poetry, prose, translation skills, theatertial and fine art does not fit into the plans of the Stalinist regime. Each of prominent figures Executed Renaissance experienced the repressive machinery of the totalitarian system. Biography almost all the artists of this generation is completed to « shot & raquo ;, « died in exile & raquo ;, « suicide & raquo ;. Those who managed to survive, never could create the same feel and originality, as in these tumultuous years, said in a statement. Told
