68% of residents of Ukraine regularly spend money on newspapers - study ARR
According to research advertising agency ARR, conducted in March and April 2015, 68% of residents of Ukraine read newspapers. It is 9% more than the number of regular Internet users - 59% of the country. Reported Telekritika referring to the site Sostav.ua. &Laquo; Over 70% of Ukrainian regularly, several times a week, spend money to buy newspapers – they like contents, like holding a newspaper. Ukrainian commitment to the printed word can explain. Internet expansion has enabled anyone to become an author & raquo ;, – says the study. According to the agencyand, becoming accessible and democratic environment, somewhat lost about Internet ’ yektyvnist and professionalism. ARR says that the press tries to follow professional standards – check facts, avoid bias and emotion, and, giving a speed Internet wins a reasonable position and quality of information. For Dr.anymy ARR, more than half of respondents trust local publications. ARR says that in Vinnytsia « supporters » books – 96%, they read newspapers from one to several times a week. In Dnepropetrovsk, Nikolaev and Kiev – 79% of those who read print media, in Ivano-Frankivsk – 77% in Lutsk and Kirovohradi – 92%. According to the ARR, readers of newspapers and magazines – family people with higher and secondary education, employees of factories and companies, entrepreneurs, public sector employees. The agency argues that the fall in the general advertising market and the restructuring of Ukraine press advertising is effective promotion tool. Experts advamnoho estimated market volume of advertising in newspapers in 2015 at 600 million. This is 225 million more than the amount of sponsorship services in 2015.Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/