Vinnytchina: in actively conducted work on rest and recuperation of children participants ATO (+ photos)
7 August 2015 ended School harmonious development "This is your country - Our Ukraine". As part of the event nearly 100 children participants of the antiterrorist operation in age from 14 to 17 years from all regions and cities, the Vinnytsia Oblastahunok regional budget the opportunity from 21 July to 07 August to recover your health for 18 days on the Black Sea. In addition to health and rest, waiting for members of the School of interesting program with various competitions, sports, entertainment and concerts. Also, for them, a series of ekskursiy, including city tour Vylkove "Vylkove - a city on the water," water tour with a visit to the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve and the Danube island settlement "Ankudynovo" with access to the border of the European Union. To finance the costs related to the event "This is your country - our Ukraine!" Allocated additional 500 thousand. Decembern. on the regional program "Youth Vinnitsa region." This was reported in the Vinnytsia Regional State AdministrationSource: