Ternopil patrol on bicycles
In Ternopil was velopatrul who guard the city parks. August 7 at the Theater Square City police on bicycles passed solemn instruction. As the deputy head of the regional police department - the chief of public security police Ruslan Balik police on dvokolisnomu transport patrol the embankment of the pond, the city center will provide assistance to residents of the regional center to inform SZEM AMIA in the Ternopil region. "This pilot project within the program" Safe City ", which we introduced at the initiative of the management Gorotdel regional police and the municipality. Duty on bicycles ismany advantages over the foot patrol. This is primarily responsiveness and efficiency on offense, "- said the head of the Ternopil city department of militia Peter Hukalyuk. Wishing to serve adequately velopatrulnym head of the regional state administration Stepan Barna. "We expect innovation to reduce response time Zayayou inhabitants of five minutes and increase the efficiency of law enforcement, especially in park areas of the city - said Stepan Barna. - Also in this way we protect the unique ecological system of Ternopil. As for the bike, we can say that this is - excellent transport that provides responsiveness and helps maintain themselves in good sportinit form ". This was reported in the Ternopil Regional State AdministrationSource: http://artlife.rv.ua/