Valery Cow: Basic problem in Ukraine - the lack of trust between the people and the authorities (+ photos)

RSA chairman Valery Cow believes that the effective development of territories is impossible without trust and cooperation between government and the community. The task of government - to encourage community activity and create conditions for economic growth on the principles of decentralizedtion. At the head of the region stressed at a meeting on socio-economic development of the area on the basis Trostyanetskogo half. RSA chairman held a meeting on the results of socioeconomic development Trostyanets District in the first half of 2015. The meeting with the leaders of the community need Valery called Cowbuilding a common strategy of the area. "We must understand what living area, which is a problem, see the main indicators of common positions and to compare, which will move on", - the head of RSA. Valery Cow stressed that the country is facing several new challenges: ensuring security, the fight against corruption, which VClyuchaye authorities and purification, primarily law enforcement and the lack of trust between the government and the public. "We live in qualitative terms the new conditions. Does working conditions in other authorities, especially local authorities. Because the challenges facing the authorities at the national level, regional level and at the local levelgovernments encourage us to rethink the role of each of us. There is a basic problem in Ukraine, unfortunately, it is present, it is - the lack of trust between the people and the authorities ", - said the head area. He added that new opportunities open to the community in connection with fiscal decentralization. "It will stimulate agriculture has developed headatm business, attract investment to introduced new facilities in operation to account for land "- said Valery cow. A report on the situation in the area was made chairman Valery Pomahaybo Trostyanets RSA. In particular, he reported high rates of budget revenues. "The revenue of the general fund of equity and fixed belchJenie performed on 60.7% of the annual plan, in fact, received 20 mln. USD. Analyzing monthly revenue to painting, performance is 132.9. And compared to the same period last year, revenue growth is 36% percent "- said Valery Pomahaybo. In the area finished harvesting of early grain yield indices inyschymy by the Oblast average. And actively implement energy saving measures. Three gas-fired boiler will be switched to alternative fuels. "The transfer of these gas boiler district to an alternative fuel will provide a real opportunity to save on heating period about 153 tcm of gas or 1.4 mln. UAH. and certainly improve Tempe-temperature mode on the premises, "- said the head of the district. Valery Cow concluded: Trostyanets district has the necessary potential for economic growth that will provide a better quality of life residents. This was reported in the Vinnytsia Regional State Administration
