Almost 12 thousand resettled citizens reside now officially registered in Vinnytsia region
From March 2014 to July 2015 came to the area 9165 families - (16,353 people) displaced citizens. Of them, 498 families - 1,197 people from the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and in Sevastopol. And 8667 families - 15,156 people from Luhansk and Donetsk regions. On athe region is home to 7,332 families - 11,994 individuals displaced citizens who are officially registered as a single database displaced citizens. Of them, 358 families - 745 people from Crimea and 6974 families - 11,249 people from the East. They settled in homes 27 districts and 6 cities in the region, including 5126 people in m. Vinnytsya, and 36 families - 121 person dormwith. The new dam, Kalynivka district, 10 families (16 people) in the village. Zabolotny, Kryzhopil district and 6 families (9 people) in. Jmerinka st. Instituted, 9. This was reported in the Department of Social Policy RSA. According to them, with displaced citizens receiving social benefits and pensions appealed 6,283 persons, of whom about 6091 personfound payments. In addition, 12,060 people (8,390 families) recorded under the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 01.10.2014, 509 and received help temporarily displaced citizens. Meanwhile, 8,570 families applied for aid under appointment to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 01.10.2014, 505, of which 6578 families have already mentioned aid designed and paid for the amount of 44.6 million. UAH. Also, from 5830 able-bodied persons to the employment center region appealed 1,146 people, of which - 310 - employed, 719 - for unemployment benefits, the other received the status of unemployed person. Prior to the migration service area 764 persons asked for Mr.adannyam different types of administrative services, including 69 citizens restored documents, 233 persons issued passports of citizen of Ukraine. This was reported in the Vinnytsia Regional State AdministrationSource: