Chernivtsi: List of action for military service after receiving the summons Mobilization Division

Chernivtsi City Council provides a list of actions for military service after he received a summons. After receiving the summons citizen must appear to the military commissariat the place of registration. You must have the following docuthou, military ID, passport of citizen of Ukraine, and in case of circumstances under Art. 23 of the Law of Ukraine "On mobilization preparation and mobilization", exclude the possibility of a call for mobilization (health, family circumstances etc.) - Documents proving these circumstances. In the absence of factors that preclude (providedelay) the possibility of mobilization bound to military service sent to military medical commission. After its passage, taking into account health, included in one or another military command. Representative Military Commissariat issued a summons by specifying the time, date and place where to come for youride to training units for further military service. Cutting back summons should give business leaders that according to "the Labour Code", Law of Ukraine "On Military Duty and Military Service" shall retain jobs, post pay average wages to pidpryyemstvi, institution or organization, regardless of subordination and ownership. This was reported in the Chernivtsi City Council
