In Ternopil warning of the danger by burning dry grass and debris

population continues to burn rubbish in gardens and dry grass in open areas. These thoughtless actions are extremely dangerous, leading to fires in private housing, commercial buildings and on country estates. Grass and debris from flammable sirnyka or cigarettes, and the flames quickly spread to large areas. In addition to the fire threatens the lives and health of citizens, he has considerable material damage. Be careful with fire while relaxing in the forest! Do not throw cigarette butts and raise the fire is allowed only in calm weather under constant surveillance. Collectingcamping home, remember to carefully pour fire with water or sand stone him. Office DSNS Ukraine in Ternopil region appeals to citizens about the careful handling of fire! Do not use fire to destroy dry grass and debris. If the outdoor activities or staying on the farm or dacha without noticeupynne fire spread quickly to immediately inform Rescue Service by calling 101.
