In the Rivne region headquarters of DSNS warns and reminds Rules for the Treatment of explosive remnants Through

events in the east we see as Last time in many regions of the country increased terrorist threat, active terrorist groups. According to intelligence about ’ sabotage the objects can not only be veyskovi facilities, a high probability that the terrorist attacks will be aimed at about ’ objects of infrastructure as well as against civil society in public places. Subversive-terrorist threat, needs of society, every citizen not only consolidate but also special attention and vigilance. Also importantawareness and citizens' right of action in case of a threatening or suspicious object. By Munitions include: &Bull; Explosives – chemical compounds or mixtures capable under the influence of certain external influences (heat, shock, friction, the explosion of another explosive device) for rapid chemical conversion that Zamoraozpovsyudzhuyetsya, a large amount of energy and the formation of gases. &Bull; ammunition, which include: - Combat missiles particles; - Bombs; - Artillery ammunition (shells, mines); - Engineering ammunition (anti-tank and anti-personnel mines); - Hand grenades; - Rifle ammunition (ammunition for pistols, carbines, Automaticsing, etc.). &Bull; fireworks: - Ammo (signaling, lighting, simulation, special); - Explosive packages; - Firecrackers. &Bull; missiles (lighting, signaling); - Pomegranates; - Smoke bombs. &Bull; improvised explosive device - a device which used at least one element design homemade production: - Improvised mins traps; - Mines surprise that mimic household items, toys or things that attract attention. Rescuers resembles BASIC SAFETY. Terrorists are trying to place explosive devices in places where they can inflict the greatest harm to the public. These are: cars; entrances, courtyards, utility room ADMINISTRAatyvnyh and residential buildings, warehouses; Garbage, engineering services in public places (festivals, fairs, markets, supermarkets, subways, etc.); public transport (cars trolley buses, trams, trains); about ’ objects of increased danger and more. Also signs of suspicious itemsmight be explosive devices, include: electrical wires that go from an unknown object on the surface of the bulb, antennas, ball clock that bugged; left household items (bags, purses, toys, hand torches, etc.); objects that are not intended for places (eg LHIca children's toy at the front door); items attached to them from mobile phones, radios, batteries. To prevent EXPLOSION should: be careful and pay attention to abandoned things (bags, packages, umbrellas, etc.); do not take gifts from strangers, flowers, mail; using publicof transport do not agree to proposals to accompany things unknown person. Upon detection of an explosive device or suspicious object must: keep calm; immediately report the discovery of the representatives of the police, emergency services or call the numbers « 101 & raquo ;, « 102 & raquo ;; no smoking; do not uselighters, other sources of fire; not to use mobile communication ’ yazkom next to the discovery; do not touch the subject with your hands or other things; In no case try to move it or change its position; leave the place where a suspicious object found, if possible, to organize the protection of the safe place sucksno. Another reason many explosions in Ukraine is ammunition left over from WWII and modern ammunition (hereinafter – explosive devices (GNP). In case of ammunition or THINGS by their appearance is similar to the ammunition necessary: immediately stop all work in the area of ??detection of GDP; on the possibilitytunities warn about suspicious object persons who are close; withdraw (withdraw) to the maximum distance for all people (not less than 100 meters), which were nearby, trying to move back in their footsteps; designate the seat of the object, and if possible, his fence (Fence can use different materials at hand: boardand, poles, branches, rope, pieces of matter, etc.); immediately report the find to the local authorities, the Ministry of Emergencies and the Ministry of Interior (posts do slowly, clearly indicating the exact address (reference) location GNP); expect a safe distance from the location of the GNP or object like him, representatives ofthe local authorities, the Emergencies Ministry, the Interior Ministry, while implementing measures to prevent the danger zone to other people. It is strictly forbidden: smoke and use open fire near the location of the GNP or anything similar to it; lift, extract from the soil, move away, throwing, hitting and deal with any GNP; bring to a placeb stay of people items like explosive. PG DSNS in Rivne region
