In Lutsk decided to transfer trading flowers on Freedom Avenue

At a meeting of the executive committee decided to transfer trading flowers at the prospect of freedom. This decision obliged entities and other persons engaged in trade flowers in the area between the buildings on Prospect Will those, 3 and Prospect Will those, 5, zvilnyty specified area from unauthorized trading and dismantled at their own expense temporary structures, and are without legal permits. Head of the municipal Syrotynska wife Julia reminded those present that problem solving carrying so-called "Flower Market" square with the houses on the avenue Freedom3, 5 already started. Residents of homes above repeatedly complained about the inconveniences that they create flower shop. Along with entrepreneurs trading on the pavement were ordinary citizens, in violation of existing rules and regulations, and therefore had to intervene municipal wife. To bring in the proper state of flowers and removing juicehoc stress last Executive Committee meeting, it was decided "On Amendments to the decision of the Executive Committee of the City Council of 05.04.2012 229-1" On approval of integrated circuits placement of temporary structures for doing business activity. " According to him amends the scheme placement of temporary structures CategoriesWill a prospectus for the purpose of placing trade places flowers on Prospect of Freedom, 41 (shop around "Knowledge"). Mayor Mykola Romanyuk proposed adjustments in terms of solutions. It requested the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning and KP "Parks and gardens m. Lutsk" within ten days to conduct all arrangements: PREPuvaty layout of the market at the store "Knowledge" and the tenth in September to arrange; moving entities, and other persons to the new trading places for up to 20 September. This was reported in Lutsk city council
