Oil falls again on world markets further
Oil becomes cheaper on world markets. This happened after the partial restoration of quotations, which lasted two days. It is reported. As of 10:22 Moscow time Brent crude cost 49 dollars 47 cents a barrel, which is about half a percentage point below the level recorded at the close of trading 5August. Amid oil cheaper and cheaper currencies of countries, largely dependent on energy exports. The Russian currency is near a mark 64 rubles for one US dollar, the ruble against the euro is approaching the mark of 70 per unit single currency. Negative trends prevail and the stock market – RTS index after half an hourI am opening of trading on August 6 percent and has lost about 836 points totals. At this level, this indicator of business activity in Russia was in March 2015 – then increased until mid-May. At the same topic: ( Shutterstock) 07/28/2015 Sanctions suddenly struck a heavy blow to the economy of (international press) At leasterezen 2015 inflation in Russia reached 16.9 percent, and the government spent $ 130 billion foreign exchange reserves further 16.07.2015 Nuclear deal with Iran – bad news for Russia ? ? &Laquo; The biggest headache for Moscow will be to that of Iranian oil coming into the market, after the lifting of sanctions will further reduce the price of oil »&Ndash; London analyst further 01.08.2015 Putin – not even the Fuehrer and Mussolini, it – businessman – Ponomarev &Laquo; Putin wants a feeder for himself and for his entire gang, and in future also » &Ndash; Ponomarev moreSource: http://artlife.rv.ua/