In Khmelnytsky rescuers take care of the safety of people in
reservoirs in summer, called a ’ communication with the mass of people on vacation reservoirs is increasing the chances of accidents, injuries and deaths. Despite numerous warnings rescue DSNS, not all citizens aware of the dangers can carry water for themWho behave carelessly and recklessly, putting their lives and the lives of loved ones at risk. In order to prevent deaths of people about water ’ yektah, August 5 Iziaslav rescuers made raids on compliance with nationals rules of safe behavior on the water. During the officers of events DSNS told people basicand the rules of safe behavior on the water and distributed among vacationers monuments and leaflets preventive nature. Also, rescuers warned banning bathing drunk ch ’ yaninnya. A separate appeal concerned parents, which workers DSNS urged not to leave unattended children and brought them to the main claimravyla behavior during recreation. Dear citizens! Be careful to keep his life and the lives of their loved ones! Izyaslav district sector PG DSNS in Khmelnytsky regionSource: