At Vinnytsia region through effective prosecution response, debtors have paid nearly half a million debt

only thanks to the prosecutor's office area taken effective response - identification and registration offenses of criminal proceedings under Art. 382 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, two agricultural enterprises-debtors fully executed the judgment and the state budget withplacheno almost half a million hryvnia. Branch departments regional prosecutor's office found that the company did not perform long court decisions, with the real possibility for this. They are getting income from selling agricultural products in about a few million each, not pohashaly debt to the Agrarian Fund. Earnings villageshospvyrobnyky directed to new bank accounts for their own needs. As previously reported, these companies violated the terms of the forward exchange contract did not set the Agrarian Fund of wheat, for which received advance. It was reported the press service of the prosecutor's office of Vinnitsa region
