Ivano-Frankivsk, at «Karpatnaftokhim" show held special training in civil protection

5 August at the Open « Karpatnaftokhim » there have been measures on the demonstration of special training in civil protection. They were held with the participation of Sergei Ivanovich Osipenko – Deputy Director of organizatsiyi civil protection measures DSNS Ukraine, Igor Ivanovich Kusliya – Head of training management and training of the population of the Department of Civil Protection organization measures DSNS Ukraine, also attended by heads of departments on the LCD Ivano-Frankivsk, Zakarpattia, Lviv, Ternopil, Chernivtsi aboutlasnyh administrations, heads of departments (divisions) organization of events MCD PG (B) DSNS Ivano-Frankivsk, Zakarpattia, Lviv, Ternopil, Chernivtsi regions, the leaders of SMC RCD and BDZ these areas, the management and members of the complex about ’ yektovoho Learning Ltd « Karpatnaftokhim & raquo ,, Department VHHR ARI in DSNS.The aim of training – develop a unity of views on the organization and methodology of complex about ’ yektovoho training in civil protection to about ’ yektah area, technology demonstration phases practicing on a plan of study. Training began meeting in the premises of the Ivano-Frankivsk Regional State Administration, which were presentedand « The main provisions of the organization and about the complex ’ yektovyh training & raquo ;. Opening the meeting, the Deputy Governor Ruslan Panasyuk told about the peculiarities of the Carpathians and noted the importance of such training for safe life area. Presentation « Outline of the organization andabout doing complex ’ yektovyh training » as presented Osipenko Sergey Ivanovich combined with a precision of academic lectures and live dialogue with the audience, supported by visual evidence. After graduation, participants went to Kalush, where he held key scientific and practical activities within these teachings. In the Open « Karpatnaftohim » held a meeting with First Deputy Mayor Igor Matviychuk Kalush and guidance about ’ facility. Those present reported about the complex manager ’ yektovoho Learning – First Deputy General Director – Ltd. Chief Engineer « Karpatnaftokhim » Ivan Mikhailovich subfamilyDuke acquainted with the place practical measures vidpratsyuvan, simulation tools and symbols, as well as leadership training at a specially organized instructional and classroom teaching and the organization of the commission Ltd. « Karpatnaftokhim » about the readiness of staff about ’ of the object for the study. Much attention was paidlevel design and appropriate documentation for enterprise training and the complex about ’ yektovoho training according to the requirements of the Code of Civil Protection, also focused on the methodological support of the city of Kalush educational-methodical center. Also discussed was the importance of preparing guidance about ’ and readiness of the objectpersonnel to conduct such exercises, possession of the necessary skills and knowledge in the event of an emergency at work. Before the present practical measures acquainted with the activities of the control services of the company and its actions in the event of an emergency, as well as the venue for training – the production of ethylene and polyethylene. Then started practical testing. For tactical exercise plan, according introductory during the hydrogenation process of passing fraction was S4S5 fire capacity of the reactor explosion and subsequent decompression and damage to the pipeline. According to preliminary data, the accidentTwo people were destruction. About employee ’ reports about the accident of the object next main control room services and section chief. At about ’ site of firing and terminate all repair and construction work, employees derive a safe zone. Prior to the event coming next service company with an emergency – medical, sanitaryEnvironmental Laboratory, a division of mining and platoon hazoryatuvalnyh work unit of the State Fire and Rescue unit number for the Protection of about 24 ’ objects Ltd « Karpatnaftokhim & raquo ;. Division platoon mining and hazoryatuvalnyh work consisting of two offices conducting exploration in the area of ??the accident, during which identify the victim, to provideassistance and transfer to employees of medical service. Arriving to the place of call units DPRCH-24 conduct exploration fire place, organize about ’ yektovyy fire staff, set cars on fire fire hydrants, submit vohnehasyachi means to protect neighboring installations and cooling capacity of the reactor and the nearby neighboring constructionsruktsiy. To carry out preparations for foam attack. Carry out a burning foamy attack capacity. After elimination of fire continued cooling of process equipment. Simultaneously work about specialized ’ yektovyh formations deployed in place of accident and work with staff of the emergency committee of the enterprise and the prevention and curevidatsiyi emergencies and fire safety company. After the training was extended meeting about ’ yektovoyi commission on emergency situations in which its members summed up the vote on the report and the possible introduction of amendments to the relevant response plans to the National Assembly. Their results etc.anoho demonstration of special training in civil defense and summed DSNS representatives of Ukraine, who noted the importance of holding such events in the future.

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/