In the Rivne region DSNS rescuers conduct raids Readiness forest fire prevention to eliminate possible fires and explain to citizens the safety rules on the water and in the woods
In the Rivne Oblast been established hot weather that is forecast Hydrometeocentre and refrain during the week. In such weather conditionsin forests established high and extremely high fire danger class, which greatly increases the risk of fires both in forests and on peat, agricultural lands and open areas of countryside. August 5 specialists of the Main Directorate DSNS with local rescuers village. Volodimirets conducted raid Readiness liHealth owl DP SLAP « Volodymyretzh derzhspetslishosp » to eliminate possible fires at high and very high class of fire hazard. Such inspections are carried out every year, especially during a fire. It is at this time the temperature increases and increases the risk of fires in the forests. ZokrEMA, rescuers checked the availability of relevant documentation, plans to attract capabilities, quality monitoring and patrolling forests, fire and serviceability adapted for firefighting techniques and equipment, and so on. Test results have shown that forest protection DP SLAP « Volodymyretzh derzhspetslishosp » ready for browsingonannya tasks. Tested the willingness of forestry area to fire risk period have shown that at high and very high class of fire hazard in case of possible fires in ecosystems in forest enterprises have all the tools and capabilities for the timely rescue of plantations from fire. However, it should ZAZnachyty that whatever efforts are not applied rescue workers and forestry enterprises to the protection of forests against fire, significantly reduce the number of fires and save the forest will only provided that each person will be cautious in dealing with fire and remember the terrible force and consequences forest fires. Also, rescuers togetherwith foresters and to monitor compliance with vacationers fire safety requirements, and Rose ’ explanation citizens of the rules of safe behavior in the woods and on the water during the bathing season, conducted raid testing particularly dangerous to fire on the forest park areas and recreation areas people in the water about ’ yektah area.During the raid, rescue, first of all, stressed banning children to walk unaccompanied reservoirs, as well as the danger of mischief in the water. In turn, the adults was noted that swim and jump in unfamiliar places, go into the water after consuming alcoholic beverages is prohibited. Rescuers State Service of the National Assembly explained to citizens PRAfork rescue drowning and the application of pre-medical resuscitation measures. Also reminded rules of fire safety in outdoor and action in the event of fire. After talking with the citizens were given warning cards and stressed the observance of relevant safety advice and, because only Mr. restrynese pleasure and positive emotions. PG DSNS in Rivne regionSource: