In Rivne causes of fires

Office of Emergency Rivne City Executive Committee appeals to residents of Management to strictly follow the rules of fire safety in residential areas. Fires cause considerable material damage to the state and citizens, as well as endangering the lives of people. To successfully bingeRun fires, need to know their causes. Most fires is due to negligence, improper handling of flammable substances. The main causes of fires are most often: - Careless use of fire; - Carelessness while smoking (in bed or elsewhere); - Child's play with fire; - Violation of rightsRef fire safety during operation of electrical equipment and household appliances; - Violation of the rules of operation of heating equipment and heating; - Inappropriate use of gas appliances; - Kindling campfires and burning debris near buildings; - Use for kindling the fire of flammable liquids (gasoline, gCAM, acetone etc.). Dear citizens of Rivne! Always stay as heating stoves and chimneys, repair them promptly! Do not leave unattended enabled TVs and other electrical appliances! Be careful while smoking and using fire in attics, basements, outbuildings and other outbuildings! Fencesnyayetsya kindle furnace flammable combustible liquids, leave them unattended or entrusting supervision of minor children. Follow the serviceability of electrical networks! Be careful! Do not forget the safety rules and take care of your family and friends! Head Demurov RD This was reported in the Rivne City Council
