A special commission studying the causes and consequences of fire in the center of Ternopol

on August 4 at 22.45 hours. on the street. Sagaidachnogo 1 fire started commercial and office building. At the scene officers arrived DSNS consisting of nearly 80 people, as well as Deputy Mayor Vladislav Stemkovskyy with the city council. The fire was localized at 1:55, and at 3:04&Ndash; has completely eliminated. known that the fire destroyed the premises with a total area of ??about 750 square meters. meters on the third, fourth floors and ceilings. The building was trees ’ Inot overlap, so the fire quickly spread. Upon receipt of the information about the fire was fully unlock the supply of electricity and gas in the surroundingbuilding to avoid danger to life. Recover gas and electricity plan by the end of the day, August 5. &Laquo; under fire from neighboring buildings were evacuated 48 residents, including 12 children. For these residents, we, from the City Council, offered to spend the night at the hotel, but no one volunteered. Most people went torelatives and the rest, after permission DSNS workers returned to their apartments, - says Vladislav Stemkovskyy. - Were injured by a fire there. Near the building was in an ambulance, but according to doctors, these people only approached with a request to measure pressure through the excitement & raquo ;. The cause of fire is currently studying spesocially Commission DSNS. And in order Mayor Sergei Gave established another commission that will study the losses that caused residents of nearby apartments. &Laquo; I note that this building is the city ’ yatkoyu local importance, in which only pre-war foundation - adds Deputy Mayor. - Also in some media ’ appeared information that the alleged earlier tenants complained to the city council in the presence of fire in a pizzeria. We checked the information, but such complaints have been reported. People were just complaints about the availability near their premises catering, but they were in these areas for many years, only changed owners & raquo ;. Representatives DSNS note that all fire hydrants were serviceable and machines dressed water. This was reported in the Ternopil City Council

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/