Representatives of Lutsk, Ivano-Frankivsk and Rzesz?w summed up the joint project over
July 29 - August 1, 2015, the last events in the framework of the "Joint cooperation network in the field of culture and social protection for the development of cities with the Polish-Ukrainian border" implemented by the executive committee at the town councilin cooperation with the municipalities of Ivano-Frankivsk and Rzesz?w. July 31 municipalities Rzeszow final conference was held, during which the partners discussed the results of the project and further cooperation. Luck was represented by First Deputy Lutsk Mayor Taras Yakovlev, secretary of the town council Sergei Grigorenko, Head MANAGEMENTing international cooperation and project activities Vera Kudryavtseva. The conference was presented processed in the framework of cross-border cooperation program for Rzesz?w, Ivano-Frankivsk and Lutsk for 2014-2020 years. The program contains analysis diyanosti municipal cultural institutions and social protection and on the advice offurther cooperation between the cities in these areas, including concrete proposals measures. The program will be extended to institutions and cultural organizations and social protection of the partner cities. Conference was preceded by a seminar on the involvement of volunteers and organizations of culture and social protection. Participants in the event were invited pretives Lutsk city center of social services for families, children and youth, Volyn NGO "Community Development Foundation" Cultural Association 100W, animation studio "adults." The seminar was conducted by experienced artists and activists from Poland, shared their experiences in cooperation with the media, attracting volunteers and their motivation, and told prodemonstruvaDid interactive gaming method for setting up a volunteer team. The final chord was the opening of the exhibition "Ukraine: so near and so far" Rzeszowsko unions photographers. The works were performed during fotopleneru cities of Western Ukraine, which was held in October last year. They, in particular, photo Lutsk, Ternopil, Dubno, PackagingCanova, Zbarazh, Kremenets. Reference: The "Shared network cooperation in culture and social protection for the development of cities with the Polish-Ukrainian border" is implemented from April 2013 the executive committee at the town council, the executive committee of the Ivano-Frankivsk City Council, Municipality Rzeszow supported YevropeysUnion under the Cross Border Cooperation Programme Poland-Belarus-Ukraine 2007-2013 European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument. Total project budget 387 402,54 EUR, budget management Lutsk - 96 959,00 EUR. Under the project, there were many activities in culture and social protection to strengthen cooperation Einstitutions and organizations as three partner cities. Among them: the International Festival of Contemporary Art Art Territory: city founders' Workshops attracting EU funds for employees of cultural institutions and social protection, study visits in institutions of social protection and culture, a meeting on the topic of networking involving mem-father's municipal councils, workshops for social security charges Lutsk city in partner institutions in Rzeszow, Polish language courses for employees of executive bodies and structural units at the town council, a series of measures on development of volunteerism in culture and social protection. This was reported in Lutsk Eviv happySource: