Volynjany in ATU, there was a rotation of

operatives in the consolidated group went to the East, entered ten experienced rozshukivtsiv Internal Affairs, city and district departments. Guys have repeatedly visited the area ATO, so well known tasks have to perform. But the police, who returned from a business trip, relax in the family. Ohis there, in the place of deployment of law enforcement officers bear service on checkpoints, will take part in bringing order and maintaining stability in the controlled area, patrol the streets of towns and villages will assist local people. Accompanied a group of policemen on a business trip and met colleagues from the East Acting Head of AnaTolley Petrushin, deputy head - the head of the criminal police Internal Affairs of Ukraine in the Volyn region Alexander Balytskiy, RBM chief Gennady Yepifanovych as well as colleagues, friends and family. - Defend their homeland - a sacred duty of every citizen. For more than a year in the combat zone of conflict law enforcement officers Volyn extrovilno, the call of the heart, the right to defend Ukrainian independence. The prolonged and dangerous confrontation did not break you. His good example, good faith service you demonstrate loyalty to the law and commitment to the Ukrainian people - with these words addressed to Alexander Balytskyi defenders. Employees of the Criminal Investigation lined up on territoRhee church of St. George. Archpriest Alexander Mazurak blessed the successful police service and invited participants to a common prayer. - Go with God and return to God Let the Lord saves all volynyan traveling to the East in peace. Operatives who came from the eastern borders, the work and the service say little, singlak say: after a short rest blunt ready to perform direct duties. SZEM Internal Affairs of Ukraine Volyn region

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/