Ivano-Frankivsk: Save harvest fire!

Summer in full swing. For many – this is the best time to leave, vacations, recreation, entertainment in nature and for farmers Carpathians – is the most responsible and hot season. No wonder since ancient times said that day in the period a year feeds. For bread – This is our main wealth. by sahoyi and hot weather continuing difficult fight for the harvest. The harvest is already underway in all areas going edge. According to agriculture experts, this year expected good harvest of grain. On how it will be collected and stored depends whether in the state and all of us on the table throughout the year quality and affordable CLIB. It is therefore important not only to harvest, but to save it from a dangerous and treacherous enemy – fire. It was during ripening and harvest crops dramatically increases the risk of fires in grain lanah, ZERNOTOKA, procurement points and elevators. The fields are ripe meat mass, straw and stubble is very dry and lightozaymystoyu, especially in dry, hot weather and wind. A small open flames can cause a large fire and then the results of many months of hard work of many people disappear instantly, thus causing huge material damage. It is therefore necessary for all city ’ in mind that the lowest human negligence and carelessnesssuddenly can cause fires and significant yield losses. As statistics shows, the main causes of fire in grain lanah and near them, ZERNOTOKA, procurement centers, elevators, is careless handling of fire while smoking, breeding and leaving fires unattended near grain fields, children playing with fire, sparks, uO emitted from the exhaust pipes of engines. In conditions of dry, hot weather with little wind pockets of fire in the fields and spread very quickly turn into big fires. To prevent fires during the maturation and harvesting, must strictly observe fire safety rules. Memory ’ Yatai! Smoking, breed and remainsyou unattended campfire, use any open fire on bread lanah, ZERNOTOKA, procurement centers, elevators, near the stacks of straw and hay, stubble burning, crop residues on the fields and near them strictly prohibited!

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/