Vinnytsia region, participants nationwide charity bicycle race "West-East" completed a marathon

Vinnytsya Vinnytsia hosts charity bicycle race participants « West-East & raquo ;. Two days earlier soldiers ATO Gostilya in the regional center. - Plenty vidispavshys, we immediately went to see European city. Managed to see almost all placeinpearl, museum-estate Pirogov rate Werewolf and transparent office city council - says organizer mileage, veteran Sergei Samchuk ATO. Guys have passed 1/3 of the total route nedosypaly two weeks, but fatigue or drops do not complain. Instead delighted say they do not expect to meet so many people who have asthmaJoan to join them. &Ndash; We all help, support and this suggests that we are on the right track. No wonder pedal and eat their own bread. After all this time we managed to collect more than 7 thousand. &Ndash; concludes Konstantin Samchuk. From the winery to the guys joined by two volunteers. The following are marafonivtsivcity ??met Nemiroff. Charged positive impressions from walks regional center guys overcame a distance of 45 km in two hours earlier. As in all cities, the guys had a meeting with the leadership of the district, demobilized members of ATO and representatives DSNS. 19-day run charity bicycle race participants met already in Gaysyn.After marafonivtsi rest of the traversed path based DPRCH-10, they visited the local museum where they had the opportunity to learn the history and culture Haysynschyny. Also on the same day at the local sports ground was a meeting with young cyclists. All participants had the opportunity to try and ride on unusual marafOn-ray bicycles and photographed and get useful tips on healthy living. Recall, a national cycling race started on July 16 with Chop. During this time the contestants have traveled Zakarpattia, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ternopil, Khmelnytsky and Vinnytsia region. According to organizers, the end point should be m.Melove thatLuhansk region, to get to him marafonivtsi plan on Independence Day. Overall marathon last 40 days, cyclists have to overcome more than 2000 km. According to Sergei Samchuka, one of the organizers of the race, the main goal of this project is the unity and unanimity. All for about ’ Ukrainian unity from west to east. Organizers espealso assigned that can join the marathon everyone. Support Seven ’ th ATO members: Map Privat 4149 6258 0110 9016 (Samchuk Konstantin Volodymyr-Mirovich). HUDSNS Ukraine in Vinnytsia region
