Transcarpathia: the Vynogradiv in an accident killed two people and injured another
on July 31, a van driver « Chrysler Grand Voyager » While drunk behind the wheel - moving from the village. Pidvynohradiv towards the village of R. Valley after leaving the oncoming lane collided with a car « Dacia Logan & raquo ;, which ruHavsa backwards. Due to an accident killed two people and injured one. July 31 at 19:20 hours. in h / h Vynohradiv PB by phone. 102 was reported that at the exit of with. Fanchykovo – Vynohradiv district there was an accident with injured. At the scene were sent SOG and traffic police. As it turned out, 41 – annual watersecond minibus « Chrysler Grand Voyager & raquo ;, resident m. Vinogradov, being drunk behind the wheel - moving from the village. Pidvynohradiv towards the village of R. Valley after leaving the oncoming lane collided with a car « Dacia Logan & raquo ;, which moved in the opposite direction. As a result of a road in19 Years old driver « Dacia Logan » - Inhabitant village. Matiyevo Vynohradiv was taken to Central Hospital where he died from his injuries. Two passengers 30-year-old woman and 42-year-old van « Chrysler Grand Voyager » in the accident suffered physical injuries of different severity and were taken to the casualty department licriminal. After a while, one of the passengers - died. Driver « Chrysler Grand Voyager » declarations was in the presence of alcohol and expertise in his blood showed 1.6 ppm. Drunken culprit accident police arrested and placed in the ITT Vynohradiv district department. In this incident started criminal proceedings. Transport vehicles landlordsAnnie naspetsmaydanchyk Vynohradiv District Police. STI of MIA of Ukraine in the Transcarpathian regionSource: