Victor Shafransky visited the medical institutions of Chernihiv Region

Deputy Health Minister of Ukraine Viktor Shafransky last week as part of his working trip visited the medical institutions of different levels of the field of medical care. During a visit to KLPZ "Chernihiv City doctor2 of Chernihiv City Council, "Health Ministry spokesman praised the work of Chernigov doctors. Examining Center of Cardiovascular Surgery, X-operative department, center for diagnosis and minimally invasive surgery and other eye department of the hospital, he was positively impressed equipment and best practices of doctors. "I visited a lot of healthdorov'ya and saw positive examples of the functioning of family medicine physicians sumlinnohostavlennya to their work. Those things that make doctors and Chernihiv towards functional diagnosis and treatment of acute coronary syndrome (ACS) - deserve every support the Ministry of Health, "- said the representative of the Ministry of Health. It ZAZnachyty that the base of Cardiovascular Surgery, City Hospital 2 Chernihiv Chernihiv City Council successfully carried out surgery for acute coronary syndrome. More than 44% of patients with ACS admitted to Chernihiv city hospital 2, are residents of the region. Over 2014 doctors performed 227 koronaroventrykulohrafiy 140 stent implantations of coronary arteries, including 81 - patients with acute myocardial infarction. Last year, the center for diagnosis and minimally invasive eye surgery were able prolikuvatys more than 360 patients from across the region. "The peculiarity of Chernigov is that it does not apply to large research centers. But despite the modsutnist own large scientific school, doctors-enthusiasts, practice, work and implement the most modern methods of treatment. This suggests that Chernihiv looks very positive compared to other regions of the country ", - said Victor Shafranska. However, he said, the purpose of the ministry - and help identify problem areas to shareexperience that in other regions. A family medicine - is a field that requires special attention. By the official website of the State Administration
