In Volyn convicted molester who made a drunken brawl at gas station

man received three years in prison with a probation period of one year. In addition, the court awarded extra apply to it compulsory measure of a medical nature. In the night-time period attacker with a friend walked into the room filling being drunk. Men likebuy alcohol. The operator refused to release the goods to the buyer, referring to ban the sale of alcohol at night. However, despite the comments of the seller, one of them spontaneously went behind the counter, took a bottle of vodka and defiantly began to drink it with a friend. When the bottle is empty, people, regardless female operatora, again boldly went to the window and took the vodka. As a result, gas station employee caused the police. So the police had to calm down ferocious volynyanyna. Investigation Department opened criminal proceedings under Part. 3. 296 (hooliganism) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. Ratne District Court appointed obvynuvachenomu punishment - three years imprisonment with a probation period of one year. In addition, relatively convicted apply coercive measure of a medical nature. SZEM Internal Affairs of Ukraine Volyn region
