In Dnepropetrovsk require completely banned hunting to end ATU

national defense headquarters of Dnipropetrovsk region has published an open letter to the regional authorities to « ban throughout the region all the hunting seasons to complete the ATO in the east & raquo ;. This is stated in the statement of staff, given the widespreadonset of 1 August ban on hunting only in areas of Dniepropetrovsk region, bordering with the zone of antiterrorist operation. It is reported. &Laquo; Under the guise of hunters and fishermen during the hunting season through the Dnipropetrovsk region can move hostile reconnaissance and commando units, weapons and transportationthe movement of militants in the southern and southeastern areas. Given the fact that Dnipropetrovs'k – region close to the fighting lines, any visits people in forest-steppe zone in camouflage clothing with arms may cause increasing stress among the population and prevent law enforcement & raquo ;, – referred tomessage. In addition, the headquarters find unacceptable voluntary killing of animals and fowl for fun when the country continue fighting. &Laquo; Every man with a weapon, if it is not on the front, should ensure the protection and conservation of public resources, which include plant and animal life & raquo ;, & ndash ;? referred toStaff of the national defense statement Dnipropetrovsk region. Meanwhile, head of the Ukrainian Society of Hunters and Fishermen in the Dnipropetrovsk region Vasily Tyban explained: you can not hunt only in areas bordering the zone of hostilities. &Laquo; Considering that in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions conducted anti-terrorist operationstion, suspended hunting in the Intercession, Mezhivskomu and Petropavlovsk districts of Dnepropetrovsk Region & raquo ;, – he said. In Dnipropetrovsk regional administration police said that if the neglect of the ban on hunting in areas near the ATO, offenders awaiting sentence for articles Administatyvnoho Code of « great abuseFork use about ’ objects of wildlife » and « not firing in designated places & raquo ;. On Saturday, August 1 at 18:00 in the Dnipropetrovsk region opened a hunting season 2015-2016 years. Recently hunt is Saturday and Sunday, and on Wednesday and Thursday allowed the owners of hunting dogs to hunt.
