Rivne region: in a training ground PG DSNS were "Rivne medical Rally 2015" July 31,

on-campus landfill rescue of SP ARZ DSNS Main Directorate, which is located in the village of Rivne Settlement District II Regional Championships held emergency crews ( fast) Healthcare « Pivnenski medical Rally 2015 & raquo ;. 18 emergency teams from all regions of Rivne showed all his skills while specially trained tasks. Organizers of the event - Management of Health ’ I Administration, Regional Center of emergency medical care and disaster medicine, resuscitation Council (resustsytatsiyi) and emergency medicalassistance prepared six contests, some of which were close to combat conditions. In two contests: « Dangerous Drive » and « Underwater Kingdom » DSNS rescuers took part. During the first phase, rescuers using special equipment deblokovuvaly the car, which got in traffic accident victims and handed over to the districtUK doctors. During the second contest of the State Service employees of the National Assembly conducted rescue drowning conditional domedychnu and provided assistance to the victim for the arrival of Ambulance services. To improve the qualification of personnel, the exercise rulers watched fire-rescue units of the Main Directorate of DSNS Pivnenskiy area. PG DSNS in Rivne region

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/