In Ternopil State Property Fund of Armenia evaluate offers 3 objects
By August 6, 2015 inclusive can apply for participation in the competition for the selection of evaluation activities that will be involved in conducting independent evaluation 3 facilities in Ternopil and Borscheve: - Premises catering (buffet "Svetlana") area of ??97.1 square meters. m per secondfloor of the main building, which is on the balance of Ternopil National Pedagogical University. V. Hnatiuk (ul. M. Krivonosa 2, m. Ternopil); - Non-residential premises of an area of ??6.0 sq. the second floor of the main academic building that is on the balance of Ternopil National Pedagogical University. V. Ignatyucca (ul. M. Krivonosa 2, m. Ternopil); - Non-residential premises area of ??44.2 square meters. m, which is on the balance of the State Educational Institution "Borshchiv professional college" (str. Shukhevych, 14 m. Borschiv, Ternopil region.). The purpose of the independent evaluation of objects - determine the market value of the property for subsequent calculation of rent. Co.nkurs the selection of evaluation activities, which will be engaged to conduct an independent evaluation of state property held in the Regional branch of MFI in the Ternopil region on Aug. 13, 2015 at 10 o'clock. Tender documents adopted at m. Ternopil, st. Tantsorova, 11, office. 604. Inquiries - 52-66-85. In detailIsha information - in the newspaper "Vedomosti privatization" 30 (879) on 29 July 2015. This was reported in the press service of the Ternopil regional councilSource: