Ternopil region, follow the rules when Munitions found! Observe at
explosive items were found! With this appeal to the inhabitants of the Civil Service drawn Emergencies in Ternopil region. Only with the beginning of the year in Ternopil found and disposed of 824 items. Need to city&Rsquo; in mind that all sporyadzhayutsya ammunition and explosives explode on impact, friction, shock, and at different mechanical or thermal effects, so they are extremely dangerous. If you find explosive objects or objects similar to them must enclose location, report the discovery of rescuers, police opGhanaian authorities. It is strictly prohibited to: remove yourself, take pieces of the hands, put them on strikes, to attempt to disassemble, move from place to place, throw them into a fire or kindle a fire nearby. Munitions Explosives are destroyed on the ground or on special landfills experts specialized pyrohnichnyh groups.Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/