Ternopil region, Viktor Head of Oil a working visit to the local village fire department plunger, Terebovlya district.
According to statistics, more than half of the fires occur in rural areas. Particularly acute problem of protection from fire gets in remote settlements of the region. It is not always professionalfirefighters can make it stop the spread of the disaster, overcoming a distance of more than 30 or more kilometers to the scene. Under these conditions, it is vital to the functioning of the local fire brigades. Each year, one third of fires that occur in rural areas, it eliminated the local fire prevention units, and they serve usEleni points located in the most remote areas of regional centers. Since July 29 DSNS Head of Ukraine in the Ternopil region, Viktor oil, during his working visit in Terebovlya district, met with staff of the local fire brigade village plunger. Chief lifeguard Ternopil spoke with fire, oznayomyvsya the terms of service and expressed his gratitude for the conscientious performance of their tasks. And also congratulated on the anniversary shistdesyatylitnim permanent head of the local fire brigade village plunger Bar Yaroslav Antonovich. I would like to note that the hero of the day gave the fire protection service in over 20 years. During this time, repeatedly took UchaAmount to eliminate various kinds of emergencies. Despite his advanced age he is ready at all – time professional and sacrifice required to perform ’ responsibilities and help people.Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/