Work on the draft Action Plan Implementation Strategy of the Ternopil Region About
Action Plan's implementation in the 2015-2017 Strategy of the Ternopil region for the period 2020 reported during the visiting session of the board of regional state administration in Buchach district director of economicdevelopment, investment and international cooperation Regional State Administration Galina Volyanyk. She informed that the Head of Regional State Administration on June 3, 2015 approved the draft Strategy Ternopil region until 2020 and the established order submitted to the session of the Regionasnoyi Council. The approved strategy provides a systematic and comprehensive approach for effective use of the existing potential for further development of the region and determine strategic, operational goals and tasks for socio-economic development of the region by 2020. "According to new approaches to strategic planning meetmethod is the EU prepared an Action Plan to implement the Strategy in 2015-2017 years of Ternopil region for the period until 2020, provides for the introduction of design methods for achieving results and maximum openness and transparency in the selection and implementation of projects ", - said Galina Volyanyk. With the participation of hfiefs Public Council under the State Administration, Regional Council of Deputies, scientists, representatives of public associations area, RSA structural subdivisions, the media on July 16 held a public discussion of the above documents, accumulating a number of projects that will promote competitivenessIMD region, and will use the enormous potential areas for enhancing economic reforms and human resource development. Constructive suggestions made during the discussion included in the Action Plan. In addition, the draft Action Plan was procedure for district state administrations and district councils executiveim Committee Ternopil City Council structural subdivisions regional state administration and territorial divisions of central executive bodies. At the stage of development of the Plan implementation project ideas were analyzed and grouped into three thematic programs considering their mutual reinforcement and additions, such as: Program 1The development of human capital and increasing standards of living; Program 2 Improving the competitiveness of the region; Program 3 Development of rural areas. First - outlines the need for a framework for the development of human capital and includes improving health and increasing the duration of the active period of life, seem to increaseLTER population to adapt to the economy and the non-productive sector, to create comfortable and safe living conditions of the population. Second - concentrates on the competitiveness of the region and provides incentives for small and medium enterprises, tourism industry region, attracting investment, improving enerhoefektyvnosti in all sectors. Third - contains a number of tasks and activities aimed at the development of rural areas and areas around cities in the region, according to which expected to support rural employment, improve production efficiency in the agricultural sector, infrastructure development of rural areas. "Planimplementing targeted by utilizing the major economic opportunities available in the region, but also takes into account the best ways to observe the principles of sustainable development - social integration, accessibility and environmental protection, taking into account the preservation of natural, cultural and historic resources and heritage ", - said Galina. - In preparationlocal socio-economic development programs must take into account the possibility of implementing the measures set out in the Implementation Plan of the Strategy. In preparing the Implementation Plan were selected those project ideas aimed at stimulating economic growth, improving the quality of life and achieve the expected maximum Dsults implementation of the Strategy. " As a result, selected 219 project ideas, in general, their implementation must nearly 4.1 billion USD, of which in 2015 - 1.1 billion, 2016 - nearly 1.7 billion USD, 2017 - 1.3 billion. All three programs envisaged by the Strategy are mutually complementary, projects and regional developmentmust be implemented within each of the programs reinforce each other. Each of the areas concerning a particular aspect that is essential for economic development. Interagency collaboration and cooperation of local communities to achieve mutual success, dissemination practices facilitate intersectoral collaboration will bringnnyu principles of sustainable development of the region. "The foundation of a strong state - strong community. The growth of each community, its participation in the implementation of regional projects will contribute to deepening involvement in economic processes at regional level, decision-making, and therefore address pressing social and economic problems ", - said Galina Wolank. This was reported in the Ternopil Regional State AdministrationSource: