In the Volyn Oblast State car reminds rules of the road for cyclists

According to the rules of the road, bike must be equipped with reflectors (reflectors): front - white on the sides - orange behind - red. For movement at nighttime and under poor visibility ought bicycleen be installed and turned on Flashlight (headlight) .Fara allows other traffic participants time to notice cyclist, bicyclist and heart - to see dangers and obstacles. It is also recommended to equip the bicycle lamp (blymavkoyu) red behind - you will be more visible on the road. Before each departure check serviceability gAlm switch transmission and absence of mechanical failures in parts of the bike. This will prevent severe injuries and their consequences. The basic rule when choosing clothes for cycling trips be visible on the road and feel comfortable (nothing should interfere in transit). Try Avoid too extensive and long clothes to his partyny not fall in spokes, pedals and chain. Give preference to the most bright clothes - to be visible from afar. For this will be useful to vest orange or green color with reflective stripes. Try to ride wearing a helmet. In the fall it protecting the most vulnerable part of the body - head. In addition, the helmet protects headfrom sunstroke and rain. To protect hands from the wheel natyran and also from possible damage during the fall, it is recommended to wear Special velorukavychky. Choose gloves in bright colors, with reflective inserts - that signals that you are applying hand were visible. To protect your eyes from dust, small stones (flying from thewheels) or insects velookulyary use. Rules of the Road motion for cyclists: Cyclist moving roadway is a full member of the road! He, accordingly, must know and observe traffic rules. The rider can perform any maneuvers are not prohibited by the Rules. Maneuvers on aboutyizniy part should be predictable and clear other road users. Requirements cyclists moving on the roadway 1. Move to the roadway on bicycles permitted to persons under 14 years age. 2. Bicycles must be operable brakes, alarm, be equipped reflectors, speReduit white behind red, orange on the sides. 3. Cyclists should move on bike route, and if they do not - in right lane carriageway in a row (you can also ride on the roadside without interfering with pishohodam.Vyyizhdzhaty extreme right lane can be to perform Detour obstacles (parked cars, pits, etc.).4. For traffic on the roadway columns cyclists should be separated groups (up to 10 cyclists per group) with a distance of 80-100 m between groups. Bicyclists should ride in groups one by one, to avoid disturbing other road users. 5. When driving on the roadway before stop, rebuilding, turn or U-turnm cyclists must submit warning signals: turn or rebuilding right: extended right hand (Fig. 1); turn left or rebuilding: extended left hand (Fig. 2); Stop: lift up any arm (Fig. 3). Left turn signal is also recommended at present bypass the car, pryparkovation on the right lane. Beep hand must advance and stop just before the maneuver. When riding in a group takes the first signs leading and members of their immediate repeat. 7. Cyclists can carry only those cargoes which do not interfere manage the bike and do not create obstacles to other participants trafficin. Cyclists are prohibited: 1. ride without holding the steering wheel, remove foot from pedals. 2. During the movement to hold on to another vehicle. 3. carry passengers, except for children under the age of 7 years (they carrying on an extra seat, equipped securely footboards). 4. Move on sidewalks and footpaths (except dichildren up to 7 years in children's bicycles with adult supervision); To make a left turn is required: a) Just pass the intersection, turn in the average number of right ways, by permissive signal lights again Just pass the intersection; or b) get off the bike and go on the road pedestrian crossing. 6. Move to avtomahistraPole and roads for cars, as well as on the roadway, if there is a bicycle path. 7. Move on the road in the dark (and / or in poor visibility) without lights and reflectors included. 8. To go in the opposite lane. 9. Towing bicycles. 10. Towing a trailer, not provided for use with bike.Terms intersections map 1. On the corners of the streets are the usual rules of priority. So, car moving along a secondary road, should give the bike, moving on the main road. 2. unregulated intersection of roads equivalent advantage of the vehicle (except tram), which has no interference right. That is takomu intersection vehicle approaching on the left, must free road cyclists. 3. unregulated intersection cycling road track located outside a crossroads, cyclists must release all road vehicles moving on this road. 4. At regulated intersections cyclists should Horseshoeryatysya special bicycle traffic light signals, and in their absence - Signals automobile lights. 5. A car turns right, should skip cyclist moving next to him on the same road straight. That is, if you drive straight, turn right and machines, warn drivers outstretched left hand as if youmake a left turn. Drivers understand this gesture and passed you directly. 6. If you turn right advise not to go near the border, and near the middle right lane, the driver did not try to overtake you - then you avoid dangerous "lapping" to the border by car. Travel pedestrian crossings On regulated pedestrian crossings cyclesypedysty must obey the signals or biking zahalnotransportnyh lights and regulators. In unregulated pedestrian crossings cyclists, like all other drivers, pedestrians should dismiss way. Also worth dismiss way to pedestrians who walk to the tram at or from the bus stop (on the door) when the tramand ways lie on the roadway. Cyclists are not You can cross the road at a pedestrian crossing, as well as turn on a pedestrian crossing. In this case you need to get off bike and cross the road as pedestrians. Do not move the phone calls during traffic on the roadway. If you answer a call - stopynitsya. 2. Do not Ride on the roadway enabled player and headphones. 3. Place the mirror on the helmet / steering wheel. Mirror to evaluate the state of traffic behind to see the car "tail" and others "Trouble", without losing sight of the situation ahead. The mirror on the helmet better - more opportunities through review. 4. Passing turns, fork and stop public transport, make sure that nobody tries to slip left or right of you. First time assess the situation 100 m to turning fork or stop, the second time - at a distance sufficient to lower speed to the fork or stop. 5. dense traffic (covers all bands) better Avoid bridgesand tunnels, preferring the separate ascent and detours. If you are determined to enter the tunnel or the bridge, turn on all the lights, which is a bicycle. On the bridge not too close to prytyraytesya Fenders - from a distance you will visually "merge" with him. 6. Serve the clear signals in other case occurrence of uncertain situation. 7. At the crossroads, stopping at a red light, in dense traffic, try to drive forward to see you all drivers who staying behind. Start synchronously with the machine, which the driver can not see you in bound space vehicles could lead to an accident. 8. Moving to green, always in the Look the other side, from just driving carsLee. Perhaps there sweeps "horseman", which wants slip intersection, or a driver who did not notice the red signal. 9. Any obstacle in your way - drive for braking, but certainly for a sharp maneuver. Faced barrier - brake and passing it slowly and not charged to the strip. 10. During the passage of sand, pools, tram / railwayychnyh tracks firmly hold the steering wheel - if it will go free, you can fall. Do not forget you - road users. Ago even if you do not have to get a driver's license, learn road rules movement completely, because most exercises you perform as driver car. UGAI Internal Affairs of Ukraine in the Volyn region
