In Chernihiv region, rescuers call be careful when collecting and using mushrooms

Abundant rains in Chernihiv accelerated Season "quiet hunt". In the forests you can meet "hunters" who with baskets, buckets and even plastic bags wander in search of forest - mushrooms. But, unfortunately, not all mushroom pickers can paevneno distinguish edible from poisonous mushrooms. As a result, it can lead to an accident. Moreover, unintended consequences await those who are not familiar with the rules of preparation of some types of fungi. So, on July 21 Borznyanschyni to health posts with. New Mills appealed complaining of feeling unwell 51-year-old Estseva resident and her 25 year old son who used manually collected and prepared like butter mushrooms. However, the advice of a doctor on people refused admission. When the state of health of July 23 ’ i mother and son deteriorated, they got in Borznyansky district hospital. Here they were diagnosed « poisoning mushrooms & raquo ;. Unfortunately, the nextupnoho day she died, and the young man is still hospitalized in the intensive care unit. In connection ’ connection with this, remind rescuers: * Gather and buy mushrooms only, which is known that they are edible. * Do not compare gathered or bought mushrooms with pictures in different directories - they do not always complianceidayut reality. Do not taste raw mushroom taste. * Home recheck fungi, especially those that collect children. All doubtful immediately throw away. * Do not buy mushrooms on natural markets. * Mushrooms be cooked the day of collection, otherwise they formed a corpse poison. * When processing mushrooms boil them in water 7-10 minutes, then fromvar drain. Only then the mushrooms can be boiled or fried. * Be sure to soak or boil conditionally edible mushrooms, which are used for pickles - mushrooms, volnushki and others that contain latex. In this way you will get rid of bitter substances that affect gastric mucosa. * Not Offer to in any case mushrooms children, the elderly and pregnantwomen. * Mushrooms (zelenushka, Dubovik and others) contain toxic substances that do not dissolve in the stomach. In interaction with alcohol poison dissolves and causes rapid poisoning. * The most dangerous with poisonous mushrooms are Amanita phalloides, which people often confuse with mushrooms or russule. * A large number of fungi that are still considered ediblewe contain small doses of toxic substances. If you use them a few days in a row, it can happen poisoning. * Strictly toe the mushrooms preserving. Improperly cooked canned mushrooms can cause very serious illness - botulism. Do not gather mushrooms: * If you are not sure what they know; * Near the highway, etc.omyslovyh vacant lots, old dumps, chemical and radioactive dangerous zones; * With defective stem, old, flabby, wormy or oslyzli. Office DSNS in Chernihiv region
