In Uzhhorodschyni with. Great Dobron reconstructed building fire-rescue post

in the village. Great Dobron Uzhgorod district continues reconstruction of the 11th state fire-rescue post, is formed in 2012. Progress of the work personally inspected DSNS Head of Ukraine in the Transcarpathian region Roman Hudak. Of 2003, when there opened a local fire department, and still building fire-rescue unit were not significantly repaired due to lack of funding. But now with the assistance of the head. Great Dobron Zoltan Sylvasha from the budget for the reconstruction of the village council room allocated UAH 600 thousand, 200 thousand still directed to work with the district treasury. For the money to existing facilities will complete the second floor, which will house dispatch, lounge and kitchen, and a new garage for the fire equipment. Currently, the fire and rescue post with. Great Dobron are 20 professional firefighters. In general, they serve about 15 settlements Uzhgorod and Beregovo districts. Except, the fire department if necessary may be involved in extinguishing fires in neighboring Hungary. In DSNS Ukraine in the Transcarpathian region
