Chernivtsi region, overnight fires occurred 6

For the past day in the Chernivtsi region emerged six fires. Thus, in the village Klishkivtsi Khotyn area burned outbuildings. Go to the elimination of fire were sent to rescue the city Hawtin and the local fire brigade Klishkivtsi village. The primary objective was to prevent firefighters awayShogo spread of fire, as close to the farm buildings where the fire occurred, there was a house and it could tip over fire. Rescue workers quickly locate a fire, and subsequently eliminated it completely. The fire destroyed partially overlapping coverage and outbuildings damaged household items. Clear actionallowed firefighters to save from destruction outbuildings and a house. Chernivtsi Street. Almaty front door fire occurred in nine apartments ’ storey residential building. For 5 minutes after the call at the scene of fire with firefighters working rescue of the rescue ofAgon special purpose Office DSNS Ukraine in Chernivtsi region. Rescuers have eliminated the fire, not allowing further proliferation. Total during fire suppression that arose last day, fire and rescue units DSNS Office of Ukraine in Chernivtsi region saved from destruction 5 buildings. The dead and injuredbecause of fires there. Press Service UDSNS Ukraine in Chernivtsi region
