Chernivtsi restaurant on the street Kobylianska set night mode

Decision on establishing the night operation mode from 10:00 to 02:00 the restaurant down the street Olga Kobylianska taken at the next meeting of the Executive Committee of the City Council. An application to set the night work was considered 12.03.2015r. at a meeting of the district committeeozhlyadu documents to establish the mode of operation of retail, services and restaurants. By results of examination commission prepared a draft decision of the executive committee of the city council to refuse night mode setting of the restaurant on vul.Kobylyanskoyi Olga, 5, in connection with the placement institution for housingth house. However, the Executive Committee of the City Council of 04.15.2015 p. 172 / 7 night mode setting question the restaurant was lifted on tostudy. 11.06.2015r. at the next meeting of the said committee members were informed of the information contained in the appeals tenants 5 and 7 Street. Kobylianska Olga. KpUniversity of residents were invited to participate in the meeting of the commission and they were personally made comments and suggestions to the work of the institution. The representative of the entity reported that the administration of the restaurant took into account all the comments of residents of the house, but not all work performed on noise insulation. Thus, during this time willbut seal doors and windows, audio equipment isolated on furniture cushions installed. 26.06.2015r. and 09.07.2015r. commission conducted measurements of noise from the restaurant "Panska distillery" bud.5 in a residential area on the street. Kobylianska Olga at night. According to the provided Chernivtsi City Department of the Main DepartmentDerzhsanepidslizhby in Chernivtsi region, on the results of measurements of noise levels conducted 26.06.2015r., Found that the apartment 9 (overlooks the vul.D.Dobroho) value equivalent sound level ranged from 26.6 to 27.7 dBA in apartment 8 (windows overlook the courtyard) - 33.5 to 33.7 dBA, the equivalent of acceptable levelssound in residential areas at night - 30 dBA. 09.07.2015r. Commission (inhabitants on notice in April. 6 and 12) access to the location found that residents in April. Do not open the door 6, and in April. 12 Commission prevented, obruntuvavshy is that the restaurant is open from violations DBN as inappropriate conduct measurements. Set Re-issueMEDIA mode of the aforementioned institutions examined 16.07.2015r. the Commission meeting to review the documents to establish the mode of operation of retail, services and restaurants. According to the committee a draft decision. In February measurements conducted in April. 10,11 budynku5 and office spaces institutionin - exceeding noise levels were found (residents in April. 6 not allowed); In April conducted measurements of noise levels at night in kv.12 system. 5 - exceedance is not installed (only in the court of public assemblies freezers and air-recirculation - a requirement to conduct anti-noise measures). An entity warningsof the need to ensure implementation of the Law of Ukraine "On ensuring sanitary and epidemiological welfare" as employees of an institution, and its visitors, including the adjacent territory the institution. However, it noted that the provisions of the mode of installation of retail, service and restauranttion sector, approved by the Executive Committee of the City Council of 22.11.2011r. 751 / 20 (as amended), the receipt of valid complaints from residents, City Council Executive Committee may decide on the termination of the established regime of the institution. Also, the Executive Committee of the City Council decided to bounceichi around the clock to establish the mode of operation of the car wash service provider drivers and cars on the street Yuri Gagarin, 81 in connection with complaints of residents of nearby houses. This was reported in the Chernivtsi City Council
