31.07 - 04.08 - the participants charity bicycle race "West-East" will pass in Vinnytsia region

from 31 July to 4 August in Vinnytsia region charity bicycle race participants will travel « West-East & raquo ;, which started on 16 July Chop and finishes on August 24 under the celebration of Ukraine's Independence Day in the town of Luhansk raids Melovoyesti. The event was organized by the Kyiv City Union of veterans of the ATO. The purpose bicycle race – about ’ union western and eastern regions of Ukraine, organization of the wounded soldiers and the families of dead soldiers ATO. This action takes place with the assistance of the State Service of Ukraine of Emergencies. In the Vinnitsa region dent bicycle race routeyahatyme because of Vinnitsa, Nemiroff and Gysin. Pre Vinnytsia planned press conferences and meetings with veterans of ATO and tour the city. On the other events to be announced.

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/