Rivne region, rescuers solemnly handed over the modern fire truck and rescue equipment European standard of
Poland July 29 Park 5th State Fire and Rescue town of Dubno added fire trucks « Volvo » and modern safety equipment. The event took place on the territoRhee State Historical and Cultural Museum « Dubno Castle & raquo ;. The event was attended by government representatives, members of the Polish delegation led by head of the government adviser Pomorske Gdansk Jan Kozlowski, philanthropists, community and media representatives. &Laquo; with Polish colleagues we closely chivpratsyuyemo many years. Exchange best practices in the field of emergency response and elimination of large-scale fires. Our rescuers educational purposes attend Polish garrison fire and firefighters visited Rivne Polish fire and rescue part. Through this cooperation Dubno district, with a population of over 45 thousyach people got modern fire truck and rescue equipment European standard. Considering that passes through the city of Dubno highway of international importance Kyiv-Chop, and in the area located a lot about potentially dangerous ’ objects transmitted equipment will improve the protection of the residents from possible emergencySituations & raquo ;, - told the audience at the ceremony the head of DSNS in Rivne civil defense Colonel Sergey Kruk. Polish « guard pozharni » noted that they are extremely pleased to work with firefighters Rivne and assured that it does not last their help in strengthening of materialNo-technical base of Rivne garrison. After the event the tour Dubno Castle – city ??’ yatkoyu history, culture and architecture of Ukraine. PG DSNS in Rivne regionSource: http://artlife.rv.ua/