In the Rivne region held a competition for the best local fire department
July 28 Goshchansky area has been a traditional review-competition of local fire brigades (IPC). Between themselves competing four units that are on the balance of rural councils. The first part of the event was to commission review the state of fire inspection equipment and softwareits fire-technical equipment according to the rules of membership. During the second phase in conditions close to the fighting, all the contestants performed the standard of water from the water source and supply it to the fire barrel. In addition, the district rescue sector PG DSNS tested knowledge of personnel IPC technology that is in service. Onthe results of regional competition, won the local fire brigade village Limes. However, an employee of the same local fire brigade Vladimir Prysyazhnyuk in the individual competition showed the best results. All competitors received prizes and diplomas. PG DSNS in Rivne regionSource: