In Khmelnytsky rescuers reminded travelers rules of safe behavior on the water in
BC ’ communication with the hot weather, most people prefer to rest near water bodies. Unfortunately, sometimes these holiday ends in tragedy. In order to prevent deaths of people about water ’ yektah, July 28 netishynski rescuers sharingrepresentatives of the media to respect raided nationals rules of safe behavior on the water. When working staff DSNS told people the basic rules of safe behavior on the water and handed them themed monuments and postcards. Also, rescuers warned banning swimming drunk.A separate appeal concerned parents, which workers DSNS urged not to leave unattended children and conducted a conversation with them about the basic rules of conduct during recreation. Dear citizens! Be careful to keep his life and the lives of their loved ones! 3 State Fire rescue squad PG DSNS Ukraine in Khmelnytsky regionSource: