Volyn region, rescuers continued outreach with the public to prevent fires in ecosystems area

High temperature and wind – factors because of which increases fire danger in forests area. And the most important thing was and remain the human factor. The slightest carelessness with fire a person, especially in the forest or onnear to it, could trigger large-scale forest fires. Often during these fires affected people themselves – because smoke poisons the air, helps exacerbate respiratory diseases, and worsens visibility on the roads, increasing the likelihood of accidents. July 28 PB workers Rozhyshche UDSNS Ukraine in Volyn Oblastthose with police officers conducting raids organized to train people in fire safety Dubysche ecosystems in the village and in the city park area Rozhysche. During the raid prevention activities, participants spoke with citizens of various age groups – from the smallest 7 rivers to the elderly, and distributed Dostivky uperedzhuyuchoho nature « Do not let the fires in ecosystems! & raquo ;. Experts Rescue « 101 » focused on strict compliance with fire safety regulations in ecosystems, stressed the prohibition and danger of burning vegetation residues, decomposition of a fire in the wood on torfopolyah, outside recreational areas. &Laquo; great work requires the elimination of forest fires, large areas covered by flame ’ pits, rapid fire spread, fire water remoteness, lack in ’ yiznyh ways to create serious obstacles for fire and rescue units. &Ndash; says Deputy Chief UDSNS Ukraine in the Volyn region Victor SIR. - Because people need to be extremely careful in dealing with forest fire in panels and on turf ’ yanykah, which is rich in Volyn region. After carelessly left after the fire picnics, outstanding matches and cigarette butts – frequent consequences of leisure. Unfortunately, it reaffirms the truth that most forest fires are caused by man is & raquo ;. So if you have planned during the summer camping always follow the fire safety requirements and the city ’ Yatai on safety rules: can kindle the fire only in places where there is no dead wood or pine sapling that can easily catch fire. And fire during prohibited kindle a fire anywhere; if you divorcefire, the place where it will be necessary obkopaty. When you are about to leave, should be carefully extinguish the fire using earth, sand or water; should see to it that no sparks flew from the fire; nezahasheni forbidden to throw cigarette butts or matches; Do not leave in unexpected places for forest obmaschene impregnatedgasoline, oil or other combustible substances hanchir ’ I and other debris; in fire during prohibited in ’ yizhdzhaty the territory of the forest fund any vehicles. If the trouble could not be avoided and you were in a forest fire: do not panic and do not take hasty, ill-considered decisions; not running away from flame ’ I am fast approaching in the opposite direction of the fire, fire and overcome your land against the wind, his head covered face and clothes; extinguish flame ’ I can fire small grassroots pocketing flame ’ i branches of deciduous trees, filling with water, damp soil and throwing zatoptuyuchy feet; while extinguishing the fire and depart not far from tohorn and glades, keep under review the other members extinguishing keep them called ’ Connection by voice; let the fire by calling 101. Be vigilant and cautious, strictly follow the rules of fire safety in the woods, as its protection against fire – is required ’ Connection every citizen. Memory ’ Note that claimorushennya fire safety in forests provides for administrative responsibility! Do not become a cause of fire and teach others care about the environment, demonstrating compliance of fire precautions by example! In DSNS Ukraine in the Volyn region

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/