In the Zhytomyr region eliminated two firefighters in a residential fire on July 26 Emilchinsky

firefighters went twice on the Elimination of fires that occurred in two different localities of the district. The first call came at 12:29 that with. Zelenytsya there was fire wood. The fire was noticed the owner of the building, near which lay the wood. Manimmediately called the rescue « 101 & raquo ;, but this time the neighbors ran to help. When firefighters arrived to place the call, then the ’ yasuvaly that flame ’ pits covered 1.5 square meters. wood, and there is a risk of tipping flame ’ I am the neighboring building. But thanks to coordinated efforts of the fighters are DSNS fire was at 12:49 localeizovano, and at 14:20 – completely eliminated. According to the preliminary version of the specialists, the cause of fire was careless use of fire. The yard was dry and windy weather and even recklessly abandoned cigarette could cause a fire. On the same day at 14:13 on the item called ’ communication 18th state of the Fire and Rescue town has received at Emilchinodne notification of ignition. This time the call was recorded from the village. Mykolaivka which broke outbuildings. This owner told neighbors burning room. They said the building was hit by lightning and then the fire started. On arrival of the next guard rescuers to the scene, the room was completely covered flame ’ Pits. In 5 m from the hearth fire is a house fire and about to have at him tip over. However nadzvychaynyky reflected flame ’ I have not allowed it to spread to neighboring buildings. Still, the fire destroyed the roof and 20 square meters of trees ’ yanoho ceiling of the building. At 17:10 fire was completely eliminated. As a result of the fires killedand trauma were found. Total losses and salvaged material values ??are set. In DSNS in Zhytomyr region
