In the Zhytomyr region rescuers do not stop to emphasize the rules of fire safety in a hot period, eliminated 10 day dry grass occupied

on July 26 at 14:20 on the item called ’ communication 8th State Fire and Rescue town of Korosten was reported fire dry grass and trees ’ of wooden outbuildings in the villageShatrysche. On arrival the guard next to the scene found that the fire originated in a private household. According to the hostess, she fried with family barbecue in the garden. The fire was dissolved on the ground. Shortly flame ’ I spread to dry grass and began to quickly spread around the area. Initially campers namahalis own tame fire. However, when it started burning barn, they called to the rescue « 101 & raquo ;. Forces Rescuers managed to localize the fire at 14:45. At 15:40 – Final eliminated. The fire had destroyed a barn, trees ’ Jan fence and 1 ha of dry grass. In general, a day of the Zhytomyr raidsSTI happened 10 fires of dry grass, 5 of them appeared in Korosten district. Only in the s.Ushytsya Korostenskyi firefighters twice a week eliminated like fire. The main reason is occupied by dry vegetation burning. In connection ’ communication with high fire danger, the rescuers once again urge citizens not to use openth fire in the street, do not throw cigarette butts on the ground of cigarettes and matches. If necessary, a fire in the home, monitor developments and to prevent the uncontrolled spread of fire. Always be ready next fire-fighting equipment. In DSNS in Zhytomyr region
