At Vinnytsia preparation for work during the heating season remains our main priority (+ photos)
emphasized this in his speech at the meeting held in RSA RSA deputy head Vasyl brewers. "On energy saving measures: the alternative fuel in the boiler transferred 339, 135 of which already have workcotton this year. As one fully completed 11 objects are in the 34 to 89 - still did not start "- so described the situation in the region Vasily the industry. The official advised the district administration time to adjust the action to work on unfinished objects, as scheduled tasks - enactment in 2015 of 135 objects should beykonane. Department of Housing and Infrastructure RSA monitors inspections of facilities acts preparedness for the heating season, so Basil brewers stressed the need for cooperation with relevant departments of Inspection derzhenerhonahlyadu, coordination of schedules readiness inspection equipment foI timely receipt acts. Overall, according to the official, 474 boiler in this year's heating season should operate on alternative fuels, so be early to take care of firewood, briquettes, and so on. "Boiler who converted to alternative fuel using budget funds, clearly consume gas this winter will notTh! It is every manager must understand ", - said the Deputy Governor. This was reported in the Vinnytsia Regional State AdministrationSource: