Weather conditions in Chernihiv region
According to Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center in the afternoon on July 26 in Chernihiv region is expected heatwave with temperatures of 35 ... 37 & ordm ;. Forecast July 26, 2015 partly cloudy. Without rain, the evening only intermittent rain. Wind southwest 5-10 m / s,when storm with gusts of 15-18 m / s. The temperature on the field at night +17 ... + 22 & ordm ;, daytime +32 ... + 37 & ordm ;. In Chernihiv night +19 ... + 21 & ordm ;, day +34 ... + 36 & ordm ;. Forecast fire danger Fire danger in the forests of the region is expected to Class 3 (average fire danger), sometimes 4 class (high fire danger). The radiation background in the territorythe field is: c. Chernigov - 11 mc / h, m. Shchors - 10 mc / h, p. Pokoshychi - 11 mc / h, m. Semenivka - 09 mc / h, m. Nizhyn - 11 mc / h, m. Pryluky - 12 mc / h, m. Oster - 11 mc / h. Office DSNS in Chernihiv regionSource: