Ternopol Sergey Nadal took part in the prayer during the "stationary Metropolitan Andrey"

July 26 in Ternopil held a prayer march crowded « stationary Metropolitan Andrey & raquo ;. Thousands convoy went from the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church after the Divine Liturgy was held and central streets Monthsand the embankment of the pond. During stops laity entertained over excerpts from the works of Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky and prayed for his beatification and peace in Ukraine. In Ternopil Pond Quay held prayer to St. Vladimir, blessing of water and renewal vows of Holy Baptism. Led prayer procession Bishop Vasyl (Semeniuk) andBishop Theodore (Martynyuk). Took part in the course of Ternopil Mayor Sergei Nadal. Addressing those present head of Ternopil, said: &Laquo; - Festive day when Ukrainian Christians around the world remember the events of millennial antiquity. Then, in the waters of the Dnieper-Borisphen our ancient and proud people accepted the Christian faith. It was then that Saint knyaz Vladimir united Kievan Rus land — Ukraine into a single powerful state. Ukraine has made its civilizational choice by starting a new tradition for a Christian state. Ukraine has become an integral part of the Christian civilization. The importance of this event in Ukrainian history is especially felt today. This event has a spiritualand geopolitical importance. This event is a historical date self-Ukraine as a nation that chose truth, freedom, justice, love and faith. Ukrainians confirmed their choice of allegiance several times. Including when restored its independence with guns and when it rose to defend. Protect from fear, hatred, betrayal, meanness and brehni. Up to a war between good and evil. We believe that Christ will not leave us in difficult times, because he was always close to us in the trials and tribulation. We believe that victory ahead of us. We will overcome all difficulties, rebuild the country and become strong state. I congratulate all Ukrainian World Day of Baptism of Rus-Ukraine. This date says SRI aroundTovey we old people. We are spiritual people. We created a European identity when only formed European civilization. Ukrainians took its rightful place on the world map once and soon we will resume ancestors' glory. May God protects our region. Asks for unity, wisdom, love and mercy. But above all we ask himvictory over the aggressor country, which is a servant of dark forces. Please strength to overcome all the tests that are given to our people, our generation & raquo ;. The event is timed to the 1000th anniversary of the death of Prince Volodymyr the Great, the father of the baptism of Rus-Ukraine and Ukrainian princes Boris and Gleb, and the 150 anniversary of the birth of Metropolitan Andrey ShepSheptytsky. This was reported in the Ternopil City Council

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/